Sunday, August 26, 2012


About this Blog

I have previously tried to start writing a blog but have eventually let it decline and stopped writing, I hope that this time will be different. In this blog I will write about whatever it is I want, be that about Linux, current events or anything else that I have an opinion about. I hopefully plan to write about one post a day (ha that won't last long) or at the very least have one idea for a post a day.

About Me

I am a Senior in high school (as of August 2012) and am planning to go into either computer engineering or Computer Science as a major in college. I am currently taking a AP Computer Science class in my high school and have already taken a Honors Computer Science class last year. I have been personally using Linux as a desktop OS for about 2.5 years as of the post date. I am by no means an expert in Linux but know my way around the wheel. I have never spent much time on any social networking sites like twitter or facebook, they all seem to be much ado about nothing in my opinion. I have run Cross Country on my school's team for all of my time at high school, I have never ever been any good at it but it's still something to do.

 My time on the Interwebs

There are basically 5-6 websites that I go to on a semi-regular basis.
  1. Facebook - I only go into the "Secret" and "Closed" groups to post, I don't make anything public. I also don't post any pictures of myself, I usually just use a picture of RMS :D
  2. Imgur - Been using it longer than most, and introduced it at my High School where it has become quite a "thing"
  3. 4chan - Mostly a lurker, I find that I laugh at some of the things on that website much more than I should. I frequent the /b/ /g/ and /wg/ sections.
  4. OMG!UBUNTU! - Great website to get news on Ubuntu and Linux in general. I honestly check this website about 2-3 times a day. There usually aren't that many posts (especially on weekends).
  5. Youtube - I have tried to start a video channel here many time but never ended up sticking with it. I watch RoosterTeeth and alot of the KassemG stuff and related channels, one of my favorites is elithecomputerguy, I used to always watch his "daily blobs" but then school started...