Sunday, October 28, 2012

ComputerCraft 1.46 Minecraft 1.4.2 Update

There's not much to go with this update, all this update really changes is that it is now compatible with the latest version of Vanilla Minecraft, 1.4.2. The only other change listed in the changelog is the addition of a separate tab for computercraft items in the new creative inventory mode that was first introduced in 1.3.2.

Download (this is Dan's adfly link not mine)

Blog post

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ComputerCraft 1.45 (Now with colors!)

ComputerCraft's newest release! This version brings some very exciting changes that open up a whole new range of possibility and new things that you can do. The biggest feature of this release is the addition of Color Terminals! In previous CompterCraft versions the only colors available on the terminal were black and white, with this release you can now choose from 16 different ones. Besides colors, dan200 (author of ComputerCraft) has added advanced monitors and advanced computers.

The advanced computer is the only computer that has the capability to display different colors. Also the advanced computers have the ability to accept mouse input, with this comes amazing potential for programs, like the one included with the release, paint!

Advanced Computer Crafting recipe

The Advanced monitor recipe is mostly the same, just replace the stone in the old recipe with gold like in the advanced Computer.

Download (ComputerCraft)

ComputerCraft requires Minecraft 1.3.2 and at least version 275 of Minecraft Forge. Once forge is installed, simply drop into your /mods/ directory, and launch the game.

Minecraft 1.4.1 Prerelease

Today brings a mild disappointment in the realm on minecraft releases... today they announced that the 1.4 release date would be push back from the 24th to the 25th of October, one whole day! This is another bug fix release, almost the entireity of the changelog is bugfixes or tweaks.

  • Fixed mobs glitching through wooden floors
  • Fixed players glitching through Beacons
  • Fixed Redstone Repeaters getting stuck in ‘on’ state
  • Bats spawn less frequently
  • A number of minor font fixes
  • Activated the Wither painting
  • Fixed wet wolves looking way too scary
  • Tweaked naming costs in the Anvil
  • Tweaked enchantment points reward for smelting
  • Fixed bug that allowed any item to be placed in the armor slots
  • Fixed mob spawners spawning too quickly
Download Client Jar (Mojang)

Download Server Jar (Mojang)

Minecraft 1.4 Pre-release!

Today brings some exciting news from the Mojang blog. Today they release the minecraft 1.4 pre-release. This release will be adding many new features to the game, anvils, witches, bats, and pumpkin pie! Everything that you need to have a good and scary Halloween. Also they have added some new sounds, new sounds were added for the wither, the bats, the anvil (sweet!) and the ENDER DRAGON!!

The post does say that this is not what they will be releasing in one week, they will still have many more bug fixes and patches! One thing that the jars will be used for is new terrain gen as it is very unlikely that there will be any updates or changes to the terrain gen system between now and the official release.

Download Client Jar (Mojang)

Download Server Jar (Mojang)

Minecraft Snapshot 12w42b

Nothing too spectacular with this 'b' release, just the basic prerelease bug fixes and patches. This snapshot does also add some more info from mojang about the new fixes to the redstone system updates that they have been promising a long, long time.

  • Falling sand now properly “pops” when falling on non-solid blocks (such as torches)
  • The redstone repeater lock mechanism is now slightly more stable / predictable. It’s still not 100% as we want it, but fixing it completely will require bigger changes that we’ve planned for Minecraft 1.5.
  • Fixed tooltip width for renamed items
  • Added a number of sound events, but the sound effects are not added yet
  • Server ping will now tell if the server and client have mismatching protocol versions
  • Updated translation files
Download (Mojang)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Minecraft Snapshot 12w42a

Hooray! Early snapshot! The only downside is that it's a longer wait to the next one :O. This snapshot, like many of the past few has been more about trying to fix the bugs and other things. Some of the things that were changed/added in this snapshot are that the new bat mod will no longer trample crops and activate pressure plates as if it were a ground-mob.
There are new updates to the redstone repeaters that Mojang says are a hint of whats to come in the 1.5 release (yes the 1.5). They are pushing off major changes to the redstone system so that there is a final "safe version" of minecraft with original redstone mechanics. The change to the repeaters is "Locking" now when a redstone repeater has a redstone signal coming in from one of the sides that is not the input or output sides it will "lock" the repeater in place, making it so that the redstone signal coming out of the affected repeater will not change, if it was on when the repeated was "locked" then it will remain on, regardless of any input changes. Same goes from if the repeater was "off" when it was locked. In the snapshot blog (also below) there is a picture that hints at a changed texture to indicate that a repeater is in the locked position. I have personally not seen this displayed anywhere else, not even in the unlisted video on the TeamMojang youtube channel that displays the new behavior.

The recipe for crafting the anvil has also been tweaked to decrease the amount of iron required, below is the new recipe, it takes 24 less iron ingots to craft than the one in last week's snapshot.

Here is what the old recipe looked like, much more expensive!

Download (Mojang)
Mojang's Blog

Bukkit 1.3.2-R2.0 Release

Today brings the second revision of the 1.3.2 release of the bukkit server for minecraft! New in this build are built-in autosave functions that can be set in vanilla bukkit servers with new config options based on saving per tick.
To enable the new autosaving feature, set the "ticks-per.autosave" option to whatever you wan and it will autosave the server (obviously!) every number of ticks. In order to disable this new feature (why oh why??) all you need to do is to set it to 0.

Link to Release
Link to Download