Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Minecraft Snapshot 12w42a

Hooray! Early snapshot! The only downside is that it's a longer wait to the next one :O. This snapshot, like many of the past few has been more about trying to fix the bugs and other things. Some of the things that were changed/added in this snapshot are that the new bat mod will no longer trample crops and activate pressure plates as if it were a ground-mob.
There are new updates to the redstone repeaters that Mojang says are a hint of whats to come in the 1.5 release (yes the 1.5). They are pushing off major changes to the redstone system so that there is a final "safe version" of minecraft with original redstone mechanics. The change to the repeaters is "Locking" now when a redstone repeater has a redstone signal coming in from one of the sides that is not the input or output sides it will "lock" the repeater in place, making it so that the redstone signal coming out of the affected repeater will not change, if it was on when the repeated was "locked" then it will remain on, regardless of any input changes. Same goes from if the repeater was "off" when it was locked. In the snapshot blog (also below) there is a picture that hints at a changed texture to indicate that a repeater is in the locked position. I have personally not seen this displayed anywhere else, not even in the unlisted video on the TeamMojang youtube channel that displays the new behavior.

The recipe for crafting the anvil has also been tweaked to decrease the amount of iron required, below is the new recipe, it takes 24 less iron ingots to craft than the one in last week's snapshot.

Here is what the old recipe looked like, much more expensive!

Download (Mojang)
Mojang's Blog

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