Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ComputerCraft 1.45 (Now with colors!)

ComputerCraft's newest release! This version brings some very exciting changes that open up a whole new range of possibility and new things that you can do. The biggest feature of this release is the addition of Color Terminals! In previous CompterCraft versions the only colors available on the terminal were black and white, with this release you can now choose from 16 different ones. Besides colors, dan200 (author of ComputerCraft) has added advanced monitors and advanced computers.

The advanced computer is the only computer that has the capability to display different colors. Also the advanced computers have the ability to accept mouse input, with this comes amazing potential for programs, like the one included with the release, paint!

Advanced Computer Crafting recipe

The Advanced monitor recipe is mostly the same, just replace the stone in the old recipe with gold like in the advanced Computer.

Download (ComputerCraft)

ComputerCraft requires Minecraft 1.3.2 and at least version 275 of Minecraft Forge. Once forge is installed, simply drop ComputerCraft1.45.zip into your /mods/ directory, and launch the game.

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