Sunday, October 14, 2012

[How-to] Get Bukkit release and news feed

The website over at is very nice, the landing page is a news section with all of the news about the latest release of the server. But if you are like me, and many other people you don't want to have to visit the website just to check if there is a new bukkit release. Now the way that most websites fix this is with RSS feeds. And on first look it looks like the page does have a RSS feed, as indicated by the logo at the bottom of the page. But on closer inspection of the feed that it brings you to, it appears to be a feed of the "latest happenings" at the forums. This is alot more than what most people want, most people only want the RSS feed of the main page and the releases. The way that I found it was to inspect the source code, using firebug (firefox extension) and search through the document looking for "RSS". I found it in a javascript function, it was the second one listed.

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