Friday, September 28, 2012

ALEKS Competitor

ALEKS Competitor

Today I started work on making a ALEKS competitor. Why? Because it needed to be done, they have ignored my complaints (and those of others) for too long, they need to know that we don't need them. This project that I have started on does not yet have a name, over on github I just used one of the randomly suggested names, that might end up being the name just for fun.


So far I have made many features, the main site will be written in PHP and the questions and answers will be stored in XML format. The XML will be stored server side, and protected from the general public so that they can't just download the file and get all the anwsers. As of right now there are only 2 types of questions supported, multiple choice and fill in the blank, these can either be delivered all at once, 5 at a time or one by one, depending on how you write the delivery. There will eventually be a API, there sorta is one already taking shape for displaying the questions.

Planned Features

I plan to add everything that ALEKS has, all in good time right now I'm concentrating on the way that the questions will be written and delivered, the XML already has a format that for now serves it's purposes quite well.

There is no download but just cloning the repository into a php server directory with the php simplexml module installed and going to the "index.php" page should work about the same for you as it does for me.

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