Monday, September 3, 2012

Best Web Browser

There are really 5 different browsers that are potential compeititors to be the best browser there is Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and last (also least) Internet Explorer by Microsoft. There are other notable browsers, like GNOME's newly rebranded "Web". The minor players on the browser scene aren't covered here.



Opera is a hipster browser if I've ever seen one, it's been around for longer than any of the other browser and when it was originally launched you had to actually pay to get a copy of the browser. Opera has some of the coolest built-in features, like a built-in torrent manager/downloader, a chat client that supports IRC and other popular chat protocols. Opera is also well known for it's email client that works nice and looks even better.

Google Chrome (also Chromium)

Google Chrome is by far the best out of all the browsers that I have ever used. But recently it has been maxing out in the CPU usage area, to the point where it is impossible to get anything else done with it running. I have tried to fix the problem but nothing seems to help, I think that it is just that my current computer is too old for the new features that Google is putting into Chrome. Chrome is as of right now the only browser that is using Google's new Pepper Flash which is on the way to replace Adobe Flash for platforms, like Linux, on which the Flash brand has been discontinued.



I have personally never used safari for that long because they do not have a Linux client, but it seems to work well enough for most people so there is nothing bad I can say about this one. That said it is from Apple...



I like firefox, and I would rate it as 2nd only when compared to Google Chrome, but Google Chrome on a relatively new computer. Firefox is a really great browser, with the most add-ons of any of the other browsers, the add-ons also have a wide range of API's which gives the developer more access to change and improve on the features of the browser.


Internet Explorer

Internet explorer is obviously limited for a lot of reasons. It's reputation has never really recovered from the security disaster that was IE 6, being the butt of every browser joke has not helped it's reputation. Another thing that doesn't help is that the browser is only for the Windows platform, especially with Google Chrome being available on almost every platform imaginable.

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