Friday, September 28, 2012

My GitHub Page

Github, the social coding platform is a pretty cool website. The idea of the website is to make it much easier to have a open source life collaboration over the internet with complete strangers. It's free as long as you don't mind having the rest of the world able to look at what you put on there, though more often than not it's just individuals using it for their own projects version control.

The official mascot of the website is the "octocat" (pictured right).

The Github system is based on git (DUH) and is quite easy to learn and use, even for newbies. Here is a tutorial that I found useful.

Github hosts some really cool programs, they host the source code for the popular internet site reddit, they also host the up-coming Project Hawkthorne the side scroller game based on an episode of the NBC sitcom Community.

My Page

I have several side projects running at the current time, I have started work on a ALEKS competitor, as previously mentioned. I also am starting to download the source of projects hosted on others sites, like dwm over on suckless, and put them onto github. I'm doing this because I think that out of all the version control services git/github is the best (in my experience). The last thing that I am working on at the moment is a client for the Linux desktop. The idea behind this client is that instead of doing the traditional WebDavFS approach it would be written using only the offical APIS.

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